TPI Command Line Parameters – as of 5/18/2017 – version 6.0.08
Did you know you can set your text file, transaction type, and delimiter and other settings when starting the importer? Here are some tips for taken advantage of "hidden" features in the product: (simply edit the shortcut that starts Transaction Pro and add the following "switches")
To add command line switches, make a copy of the program shortcut and add the custom switches you need in the "target" property of the shortcut
Example: This sets the text file, delimiter, and transaction type in the command line.
1. Right click on the Windows START button on the lower left of your desktop and left click OPEN
2. Double click Programs folder. Double Click the 01 Transaction Pro Importer 6.0 folder.
3. You will see a shortcut named “Transaction Pro Importer 6.0”. Make a copy of this folder by clicking Edit/Copy then Edit/Paste.
4. Bring up the properties for this new program shortcut (right click on the shortcut and choose properties)
5. Edit the target from this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\01 Transaction Pro Importer 6.0\Transaction Pro Importer 6.0.exe"
to this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\01 Transaction Pro Importer 6.0\Transaction Pro Importer 6.0.exe" /TEXT_FILE=C:\CREDIT MEMO SAMPLE.TXT /DELIMITER=Tab /TXN_TYPE=Credit Memo
To set the file name:
e.g. /TEXT_FILE=C:\My Text File.txt
To Set the delimiter use one of the three values (Comma, Tab, Pipe)
e.g. /DELIMITER=Comma
To Set the transaction type use one of the values from the list
e.g. /TXN_TYPE=Sales Receipt
So for the above example your target would be:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\01 Transaction Pro Importer 6.0\
Transaction Pro Importer 6.0.exe” /TEXT_FILE=C:\My Text File.txt /DELIMITER=Comma /TXN_TYPE=Sales Receipt
Command Line |
Feature |
Version |
Version |
Cross reference a code for the Chart of Accounts Description field in QuickBooks |
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Adds Address Line 5 fields for bill to and ship to. |
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Set alias file path. |
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Ability to check/uncheck Auto Assign transaction numbers. /AUTO_ASSIGN=1 to check the box /AUTO_ASSIGN=0 to uncheck the box |
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Starts and runs TPI and automatically clicks through all buttons. Interface still loads and shows each step in the wizard. Be sure you have a valid import before enabling this. NOTE: UNSUPPORTED FEATURE. |
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Runs TPI
in system tray with no user interface unless error occurs. NOTE: UNSUPPORTED FEATURE. |
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When enabled additional fields are available for mapping column values as new expense lines on a bill transaction |
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/BROWSE_PATH=directory path |
Sets the starting file directory when browsing for an import file or map |
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When enabled additional fields are available for mapping column values as new expense lines on a check transaction |
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When enabled additional fields are available for mapping column values as new expense lines on a credit card transaction. To add more than 15 columns specify =30 after the command where 30 is the number of columns to add. |
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Adds Customer “Company Name”, “Customer Type” and “Customer Resale No” to sales transactions. Use to add these fields to field mapping. |
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When creating a new job under an existing customer, all the information from the parent customer is copied down into the job. |
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When creating a new customer and job with address information, TPI will also update the newly created customer with this information as well as the job. |
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Adds custom fields to the mapping screen for transaction types that support custom fields. Custom fields in the mapping screen are noted by the following prefixes: cfc- (customer), cfv- (vendor), cfi- (item) |
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/DEBUG=1 |
Outputs all incoming and outgoing qbXML to a log file in the program folder |
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Specify the field delimiter; Comma, Tab, Pipe (text files only) |
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When you specify this startup parameter you will see a new transaction type called "Checks (Employee)". When TPI encounters a payee that doesn't exist it adds it as a new employee. Note that your Payee data column must specify the employee name in First Middle Last Name format. |
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Employee Cross Reference. Cross reference a code for the employee number in QuickBooks. If importing checks the command line /EMPLCHECK=1 must also be specified. |
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When specified TPI will not automatically create a customer in the Expenses Customer field for many Txn Types. |
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Sets the file source to DSN. If not specified defaults to File. |
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Creates a new transaction type that allows both invoices and credit memos to be imported within the same file |
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Adds new transaction type “Invoice Link Sales Order”. With this transaction imported invoices can be linked to existing sales orders. A valid sales order RefNumber is required. |
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Adds “Item Account” to the Invoice and Sales Order transaction map. Allows you to specify the account that each item gets added as if it doesn’t exist in QuickBooks. |
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When enabled it will allow item non inventory on settings screen to allow both Account and Income Account. |
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/ITEMXREF=Item Custom Field name that stores cross reference value
Example /ITEMXREF=My Custom Field |
Item cross reference. If your import file contains an item name that doesn’t match the item name in QuickBooks, you can store the matching item name in a item custom field. When this option is enabled TPI will lookup and replace the item name from the import file with the proper name in the QB item list. If no match is found a blank value is returned in the mapped field grid. Exceptions are outputted to the program directory to the file named “Item Cross Reference Exception File.txt”
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Added new option switch for importing Journal Entries with a single column for both debits and credits. You can now enable a command line switch to change the mapping in TPI so you only have to map to a single column for the amount. Previously you had to have your debits and credits in separate columns. |
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Adds additional fields to specify the entity type in the Journal Entry “Name” column. In “JE Name Type” specify C for Customer, V for Vendor, E for Employee, O for Other Name. |
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/JE_OFFSET_ACCOUNT=Account Name or Number |
When set will balance out of balance journal entry imports to this account. |
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/LOG_FILE=drive and directory name
Example: /LOG_FILE=c:\mydir\ |
the default log file location that is created when specifying the /AUTORUN
command line. File name cannot be changed and is always |
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Creates a troubleshooting log file of all XML based communications with the QB file. Use for troubleshooting only. |
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/MAP_FILE=full file path and file name
Example: /MAP_FILE=c:\mymap.dat |
Set map file path |
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bypasses loading chart of accounts on files with massive chart of accounts > 5000 |
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/NO_COA_ACCT=account name or number
Example: /NO_COA_ACCT=Sales |
Sets the Account dropdown on the last screen. Use with /NO_COA switch. |
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Example: /NO_COA_COGS_ACCT=Cost of Goods Sold |
Sets the Cost of Goods Sold dropdown on the last screen. Use with /NO_COA switch. |
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Example: /NO_COA_INCOME_ACCT=Sales |
Sets the Income Account dropdown on the last screen. Use with /NO_COA switch. |
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Example: /NO_COA_ASSET_ACCT=Inventory
Sets the Asset Account dropdown on the last screen. Use with /NO_COA switch. |
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Non US Versions of QuickBooks – Adds AR Account map field for Invoice and Credit Memo transaction types. |
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Bypass all required fields in mapping |
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/QB_COMPANY_PATH=full file path and file name |
Set QuickBooks file name to work with. Requires Integrated app preference in QB file to be set to “Allow this company to login automatically” |
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Changes the Receive Payment import to search first by customer and then find the matching invoice. This is a workaround for the QBSDK integer limitation and should only be used if you are having trouble due to large integer limitations (invoice numbers greater than 2147483647) not finding the matching invoice. |
Sets the record terminator to the value specified. Valid value are CR or CRLF or LF |
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Changes the functionality of the Receive Payment import such that by specifying repeating rows with the same check number TPI will allow you to apply to multiple invoices. Supply the check number, invoice number and amount to apply. |
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Changes the functionality of the Receive Payment import so a customer is not required. Matching of payment to invoice is done by invoice number only. |
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A new mapping field "Auto Apply" will appear. Setting the field blank to N will force QuickBooks to not apply the payment. Putting a Y in the field will tell QuickBooks to auto-apply the payment. |
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Use only for troubleshooting memory issue when customers or accounts exceed 10,000. With this switch TPI retrieves lists in smaller batches to reduces size of XML response. |
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/TEXT_FILE=full file path and file name
Example: /TEXT_FILE=c:\myfile.txt |
Set import file path.
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When enabled the Rate field is added to the time tracking mapping. When a rate is supplied TPI looks up and either adds or updates the rate for the matching Payroll Item. If the payroll item doesn’t exist TPI adds it using the rules below:
Payroll Item – payroll item name you want to create (if left blank then no new payroll item is created and the other fields are ignored) WageExpenseAccount – optional but if left blank assumes expense account “Payroll Expenses” WageType – use one of the following values (if blank assumes HourlyRegular)
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/TXN_TYPE=Sales Receipt |
Sets transaction type. Specify a name from the transaction type list |
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User can now specify Amount rather than price on line items. Use the following command line switch to enable. Supported on the following transaction types: Bill, Check, Credit Memo, Estimate, Invoice, Invoice Credit Memo, Sales Order, Sales Receipt, Statement Charges and Vendor Credits. |
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Enables multi-currency fields for UK 2005-2006 |
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Sets the sheet to use within an Excel file. Also works to set the database object name |
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